A non-surgical treatment to reduce your double chin!
The area underneath your chin is referred to as the submental area. If you are bothered by the excess fat in this area and would love to have a more-defined jaw-line, we can help.
CoolSculpting®, a non-invasive fat reduction technology that we have been successful with since 2013, has now created a new applicator to address smaller bulges of unwanted fat such as the double chin.
Developed by Harvard scientists, CoolSculpting® technology uses the power of cooling to eliminate fat. After the cooling process the fat gradually dissolves and is flushed out of our system through the body’s natural processes.
CoolSculpting® is clinically proven, effective and medically cleared
- No needles
- No surgery
- No recovery time
- over 2 000 000 CoolSculpting® treatments have been performed worldwide
What other areas can the new applicator address?
The new applicator was designed to treat smaller pockets of unwanted fat such as the double chin. Other areas such as the underarm area, bra-line area and the knees that were traditionally too small to address with the first 5 CoolSculpting® applicators can now be treated.
CoolSculpting® at PEAU
We are the first clinic in Montreal and the province of Quebec to offer CoolSculpting® to patients. Your results are very dependent on the knowledge and experience of the physician and technician carrying out your assessment and devising your treatment plan.
Zero impact on your daily routine
CoolSculpting® does not interfere with your family life or work commitments. Some patients may experience redness or discomfort in the treated area, but will resolve completely.
Call today to schedule your free CoolSculpting assessment.
Before & After Photos*
View the results.
* These photos are provided for informative purposes and are not a guarantee of the result.